Learning Coding

Every beginner asks himself the same question: "How do I learn to code?" Well...how did you learn to speak? You listened to people around you, you tried to imitate them, you made mistakes, learned new words, then here you are asking silly questions on the internet. It's the same with coding, you have to learn about what others do or already did and practice...a lot. You will make mistakes, you will learn new things, you will ask more silly questions on the internet, you will get better and better...

One question stays then: "Where do I learn to code?" There are multiple resources on the internet and honestly it's hard not to get lost in it. In this article I will talk about the resources I personally use. Basically my favorite learning places


I started learning to code on Openclassrooms. It used to be called "le site du zero" (the zero's website) because you needed zero knowledge to start learning. I like this website because it's very beginner friendly. It's a french website but they have some english courses. The courses are very well structured and you can learn a lot of things there. They tend to do more videos now, a learing format I don't really like but hey, that's just me. Their old pdf courses from the time the platform was called "le site du zero" are mostly removed from the website but thank to the community you can still find them here and here.

Alx and theRoom

I discovered Alx SE program through a friend. It's a learning platform created by Andela and it's free. They will make a software engineer out of you in 6 months-ish (It won't be painless). They are very serious about their business and you can actually get a job after the program. I did the first 3 months and I learned a lot. I stopped because I am kinda lazy and didn't have the time to do it anymore. I will probably go back to it one day. I don't know...mark my words or something...


Do I even need to introduce this one? There is litteraly "free" in the name. Their javascript courses are one of the best in the industry. Go check them out.

codeacademy and datacamp

Their facebook ads are one of the most annoying things on the internet but the platforms are actually good. They offer generous free content but they won't miss a single opportunity to remind you that you can get more if you pay.

The Big names of internet

Who would imagine big corporations actually want to help you learn to code?


If you are a very busy person like myself you will like this one. It's a mobile app where you can learn to code on the go. It's very beginner friendly and you can learn a lot but it's not fitted for practical learing (mobile apps limitations). It's a good place to fiddle with code on the go. Similar apps: Mimo, Enki, programming hero, wildlearner, programming hub

The others (Bonus and honorable mentions)

Note how I did not include youtube, udemy, udacity, coursera, edx, etc... Well i said it was my list and I don't really use those (videos much) but there is a lot of good learning material there. You can also find a lot of good stuff on github and most inportantly you need to learn to Google. It's a very important skill for a developer (no joke)

I suggest reading my article about that.

For real practice and challenges try competitive programming websites. I have a whole github repo dedicated to that: Challenger.